Our Service

Have you ever wonder about the memories that are in your old photo albums created and collected before the ages of digital cameras and smartphones? What about your beautifully hung pictures that you want to digitize? Left unattended, these pictures and videos can degrade and erode into antiquity and never to be seen by your friends and families.

We can help you with:

  • Converting these old memories into digital formats;
  • Framed pictures can be left in their frames;
  • Secure the new digital formats so that they can be properly indexed and archived;
  • Breathe new life into your old memories by sharing them as you do with your new memories;
  • Create memorable keepsakes like photo books;
  • Enlarge and framed them so that they can be cherished;

What you get:

  • PDF with all your pictures properly laid out with optional annotations;
  • Slideshow;
  • Digitized at 12MP;

Act now to preserve your memories: